
What is Humax?

Humic Acids are a complex mixture of transformed organic materials to the smallest size. This humus substance plays important role in soil fertility. It helps improve biological activities in many biological compounds and help maintain good soil health. Humax contains  12% of  humic acid w/w with hydrated proteins.


How does this benefit plant?

- It's rich in both organic & mineral substances essential for plant growth and better yields.
- It helps breakdown the hard clay and soil resulting in increased aeration and porosity of the soil.
- It helps transform micro nutrients from the soil to the plant resulting in enhanced growth and yields.
- Stimulates plant enzymes, increases root formations respiration.
- It possesses extremely high ion-exchange.
- It retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers in root zones & releases them to plant when needed.
- It enhances water retention in the soil resulting in increased microbial activity in the soil.
- It also retails some of the heavy metal salts like cadmium, mercury etc. that are harmful plants as well as human being.
- The increased water holding capacity in soil help retain nutrients and & chelated metal ions.
- It helps in removing access salt content in the soil that has adverse impact on plant growth.

How to apply?

HUMAX is recommended to be used as follows :
Seed treatment :

- HUMAX 2.5 to 5.o ml/kg seed in sufficient quantity of water.
- Seedling/Root Dip : 1.0 ml per liter of water.
- Foliar spray : 100 ml per acre at actively growing and reproductive stages.
- Drip and Sprinkler irrigation : 1 liter per acre in sufficient quantity of water.



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