How does this benefit plant?
- It's rich in both organic & mineral substances essential for plant growth and better yields.
- It helps breakdown the hard clay and soil resulting in increased aeration and porosity of the soil.
- It helps transform micro nutrients from the soil to the plant resulting in enhanced growth and yields.
- Stimulates plant enzymes, increases root formations respiration.
- It possesses extremely high ion-exchange.
- It retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers in root zones & releases them to plant when needed.
- It enhances water retention in the soil resulting in increased microbial activity in the soil.
- It also retails some of the heavy metal salts like cadmium, mercury etc. that are harmful plants as well as human being.
- The increased water holding capacity in soil help retain nutrients and & chelated metal ions.
- It helps in removing access salt content in the soil that has adverse impact on plant growth.
How to apply?
HUMAX is recommended to be used as follows :
Seed treatment :
- HUMAX 2.5 to 5.o ml/kg seed in sufficient quantity of water.
- Seedling/Root Dip : 1.0 ml per liter of water.
- Foliar spray : 100 ml per acre at actively growing and reproductive stages.
- Drip and Sprinkler irrigation : 1 liter per acre in sufficient quantity of water.